Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Human Landscape Exhibition By Maria Kley

Last week Thursday (25 April 2013) I got to attend a solo exhibition (Human Landscape) by the beautiful humble Maria Kley at Greatmore Studios, Cape Town, South Africa, it was one of those exhibition that blew my mind away, I mean the creativity, the use of raw materials, the display etc, it was impeccable.

 I had few objects that I wanted to take home, not for display though more like show casing them to other artist who share the same sentiment of use of recycling materials.

One piece that caught my eyes and made me think of myself how often I threw away dust cloth when they look used up and are not in good condition. Suddenly  I was in this room admiring the cloth that I hate so much when it contain stains, when it originally color is blur and washed up,  the same cloth was being put in a white frame that is line up with a yellow mustard background. I was flabbergasted; this cloth was some piece of art that could sell for a fortune.

That was just the beginning and trust me my mouth was wide open this time around that any flying insect could travel in and out without me realizing it. This piece from far looked like a flower but as you get closer you realize it just a foam cut and shaped kinder looked like flower image, and for the love of me I said it loud ‘oh great, it just a bloody foam!’ Like really why I never thought of that, or is it maybe my creativity is far to reach #Team Maria Kley bar level, well I do not know maybe I need to do some soul searching.....I think.

As I moved around the room, taking pictures observing every piece, talking to myself and finally I came to a stand still not because I was tired or done, it was this huge, magnificent art piece hanging above me that I can’t even explain and it caught my eyes that I could not move or blink, I was just staring. Part of me was trying to figure out how it have been put together, the rocks inside the wood that stood still, in actually fact I’m still confuse how it was done, maybe I should ask Maria, it always important to understand such creativity.

At last, I had to chat with the woman herself and believe me she is beyond the word beautiful. She was just amazing, her calmness, her smile, her love was just breath taking for me, and if I could press rewind and speak to her again I will do it trillion times, it was an honor to meet Miss Maria Kley. To learn more about her work please do visit www.mariakley.com or follow her on twitter @mariakley.

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